Week 1 – 2016 Oh Boy, What did I get into?


I’ve been a personal development junkie ever since my first Tony Robbins seminar in 2000. That opened the rabbit hole and I willingly jumped in with both feet and never looked back.

Just when you think you’ve hit a level of growth in understanding yourself, life, relationships, there is a new level found. And for the true junkie… this is like shooting personal development mainline into the brain.

So naturally when I started Mark Januszewski’s Go 90 Grow Program earlier this spring and heard about the Mastermind program…. it was a no brainer…. Yay! I get another hit of my drug of choice.

Got my app in on time. Bought all the materials requested. Set up my blog, and social media links as required. OOOOHHHHH SO EXCITED!

I have been in the same industry of photography for 35 years… seen alot of changes in it. Some great, some not so great. All in all…. My husband and I (we are business partners) realized this year that we are just tired and ready for a change in profession. Something we can make more money that what we have been in the last 10 years…. and something that we really really enjoy. Mind you not that we don’t enjoy the photography…. just ready for that new change.

We decided on a network marketing company because we really believe in the business model. After being in a traditional business for 35 years… with rent for a storefront, 7 employees, and overhead large enough to kill a small horse, we are ready to do away with all that. No more inventory. No more employees.

So…. seems like change comes in waves. And when it comes, it comes big. No sooner did we make our decision to build our network marketing company, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Another change to deal with. This was back in March of this year, and at the time, the prognosis was maybe 80% with a long road of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

This setback caused us (me specifically) to come to a halt in building the business. I became very sick with the chemo. I was unable to focus and spent most of my days in bed sleeping.

I needed to let go of the urgency and desire to build my business fast. I needed to give my body the time and love to heal. I let go of attending the Go 90 Grow webinars and homework as I couldn’t keep up with it all. But it was one of the best choices as again, this gave me a huge personal development learning. It allowed me to become more accepting of myself. More gentle and tolerant. More loving and accepting of others. HUGE.

August 19, 2016 I had surgery. I was pronounced 100% in remission! NO CANCER!

I learned the power of my thoughts through this journey…. I had a mantra I said all the time through chemotherapy…. and in the shower every morning… and whenever else during the day it struck me…

“I am so happy and grateful in how quickly my body heals all on its own.”

I BELIEVE this is why I am cancer free….. healthy.

So… back to Master Keys Masterminding…. when I got the email announcement saying that applications were being taken for the fall group… I KNEW it was the right thing and the right timing to do.

I intend to have this experience help me with the push back into my business building and to also help me to release the extra weight that I accumulated during my journey with cancer.

My excitement can hardly be contained and am so happy to have a new focus on my next journey in life of building my business, learning how to build a team, and also to give back to my fellow classmates where I can. 35 years of being a successful business owner, happily married…. I’m sure I have experience that will benefit some others in our group.

YAY! So happy to be a part of this new, next journey! Thank you Mark and the Fabulous Davene and Team!